With a payment of 2,500 Euros FOTA has broken the 40,000 euros barrier in donations to SALVA in the past couple of years (actually now 41,848.12). A look at the theatre's accounts will show just how important this has been in keeping the theatre going. Not directly as a box office substitute but in the many different ways that the mostly unseen (until it goes wrong) activities contribute to the final effect from better sound and lighting to more comfy seats. Of course this couldn't be done without the backing of members of FOTA and non members alike. Whilst coming on a fantastically good value trip which then makes a profit isn't a hardship, buying raffle tickets at some of our shows is something we can only give thanks for.
During the year we have organised a monthly lunch, now at a regular venue, at which 20 -30 members enjoy both good food and a chance to meet each other. We don't charge any extra on the restaurant's regular price but we do try and persuade guests to buy a raffle ticket. This coming Thursday, December 16th, we are moving venues to El Coto to the El Brujo restaurant for our Christmas Lunch. Always popular we hope that around 50 will enjoy the meal and maybe have a little theatricality thrown in!
The next venture though will be a little different as we are going to hold an evening dinner, with entertainment, early in the new year. Watch this space for more details.
Our trips have been good value and generally successful. Although we had to cancel one trip we have had full coaches for others. The last trip to Arcos de la Frontera was particularly successful and from it came the wish to visit the same area seeing some of the places that looked enticing from a coach window. So our next trip will be 'The Route of the Oranges' and will include visits to Olvera and to Teba. The last will especially appeal to our Scottish members as Teba features in Scottish history in a dramatic and rather romantic way.
After that we are going further north for the trip in March to the area of beautiful valleys and hills of Malaga grapes and wine.
The newsletter for the social group associated with the Salon Varietes Theatre in Fuengirola Spain
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Our trip to Arcos
I haven't tried this before so let's hope it works but these are most of the photos I took on our day out last week. A day which everyone seemed to enjoy - especially lovers of lamb.
Thursday, November 04, 2010
ANYTHING GOES November 5th to November 14th
I booked yesterday (Wednesday) for the Sunday performance of 'Anything Goes' and there were only a few seats left. If you can go during the week there is a much better selection but whatever you do, do go!
ANYTHING GOES opened on Broadway on November 21st 1934 and ran for 420 performances. During the depression that was considered pretty good and it was the fourth best run of the 30s. What is outstanding about it is the number of revivals there have been. In 1987 a revival with Patti LuPone ran for 784 performances. This wa seen by Elaine Paige who decided she had to buy thye rights to bring it to London so that she could star in it - with a young man called John Barrowman who then went on later to star in the 2002 show at the National Theatre in London before it transferred to Drury Lane.
Time I thought for a musical break.
Of course it wouldn't be complete without Ethel Merman:
OK a bit old for the part ( when did that worry the Salon?) but she starred in it in 1934 and then in the film in 1936 so she is important in the show's history. Big names who worked with her in the show were Bing Crosby, who was in the both the 1936 film and the 1956 one and Frank Sinatra who was in the 1954 TV production with Merman and Bert Lahr.
So a pretty successful musical. Cole Porter could be proud of himself. Among his collaborators on the show was P.G.Wodehouse. What a pedigree.
What's it about? It's a pretty complicated story but in the end is really simple. Boy meets girl, there are complicated madcap antics and mistaken identities on board an ocean liner. Will it get sorted out and love conquer all? What do you think!
ANYTHING GOES opened on Broadway on November 21st 1934 and ran for 420 performances. During the depression that was considered pretty good and it was the fourth best run of the 30s. What is outstanding about it is the number of revivals there have been. In 1987 a revival with Patti LuPone ran for 784 performances. This wa seen by Elaine Paige who decided she had to buy thye rights to bring it to London so that she could star in it - with a young man called John Barrowman who then went on later to star in the 2002 show at the National Theatre in London before it transferred to Drury Lane.
Time I thought for a musical break.
Of course it wouldn't be complete without Ethel Merman:
OK a bit old for the part ( when did that worry the Salon?) but she starred in it in 1934 and then in the film in 1936 so she is important in the show's history. Big names who worked with her in the show were Bing Crosby, who was in the both the 1936 film and the 1956 one and Frank Sinatra who was in the 1954 TV production with Merman and Bert Lahr.
So a pretty successful musical. Cole Porter could be proud of himself. Among his collaborators on the show was P.G.Wodehouse. What a pedigree.
What's it about? It's a pretty complicated story but in the end is really simple. Boy meets girl, there are complicated madcap antics and mistaken identities on board an ocean liner. Will it get sorted out and love conquer all? What do you think!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Our next trip on Thursday November 18th will be to
The town hangs on a sheer cliff face overlooking the Rio Guadelete. lesser known than Ronda but just as spectacular It really ought to be a tourist 'must'
Its history goes back to pre Phonecian times but almost all of what we will see is from the Moorish period (711 to 1264) or from the conquest and later.
Central to the tourists must sees is the Plaza del Cabildo. On one side is the Parador , on another two are the walls of the castle, still privately owned, and the fourth side offers views as spectacular as anything that Ronda can offer across the valley of the Rio Guadelete and the vega.
The Church of Santa Maria de la Asuncion
It's a good video but it doesn't quite fit the blogger format - at least for me so let me know if you know how I can do it properly - in the meantime right click on your mouse and select 'watch on You Tube'. Nov 4th -got it working now and changed the layout of the blog. Do you like it better?
Our trip includes a stop for coffee and tostado and lunch and costs 30 euros
Come and see us on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at the theatre.
The town hangs on a sheer cliff face overlooking the Rio Guadelete. lesser known than Ronda but just as spectacular It really ought to be a tourist 'must'
Its history goes back to pre Phonecian times but almost all of what we will see is from the Moorish period (711 to 1264) or from the conquest and later.
Central to the tourists must sees is the Plaza del Cabildo. On one side is the Parador , on another two are the walls of the castle, still privately owned, and the fourth side offers views as spectacular as anything that Ronda can offer across the valley of the Rio Guadelete and the vega.
The Church of Santa Maria de la Asuncion
It's a good video but it doesn't quite fit the blogger format - at least for me so let me know if you know how I can do it properly - in the meantime right click on your mouse and select 'watch on You Tube'. Nov 4th -got it working now and changed the layout of the blog. Do you like it better?
Our trip includes a stop for coffee and tostado and lunch and costs 30 euros
Come and see us on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at the theatre.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Black Coffee
Black Coffee opened last night to the largest audience ever for a first night of a play. (confession first - I'm in it) and the audience after the show were much more enthusiastic than they thought they were going to be. Agatha can still do it even in the age of CSI New York!
FOTA's interest is that there are three board members in the show but this isn't really important compared with encouraging all FOTA members to come along and have a really entertaining evening. The show starts at 8 except on Sunday when it begins at seven.
Why not have a drink afterwards and say hello to the cast.
Last night is next Tuesday so you may need to re-prioritise your weekend. It'll be worth it.
FOTA's interest is that there are three board members in the show but this isn't really important compared with encouraging all FOTA members to come along and have a really entertaining evening. The show starts at 8 except on Sunday when it begins at seven.
Why not have a drink afterwards and say hello to the cast.
Last night is next Tuesday so you may need to re-prioritise your weekend. It'll be worth it.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Cancellation -Sorry
Unfortunately we couldn't get a sufficient number of members and guests to book for the TARIFA trip and we have had to cancel it.
Refunds are available from the desk. We are sorry but we can only keep our prices exceptionally low by nearly filling the coach.
We hope you aren't too disappointed and if you have any ideas for trips which are going to give a full coachload a good day out then do let us know.
Refunds are available from the desk. We are sorry but we can only keep our prices exceptionally low by nearly filling the coach.
We hope you aren't too disappointed and if you have any ideas for trips which are going to give a full coachload a good day out then do let us know.
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Audition Notice for 'Move Over Mrs Markham'
Joanna Markham 45 - 55 attractive and sophisticated
Alastair Spenlow 30 – 45 “camp” interior designer but definitely NOT gay)
Sylvie 25++ Swedish beauty
Linda Lodge 40 – 55 “frustrated” with her husband
Philip Markham 50 – 60 Publisher of children’s books (comedy timing essential)
Henry Lodge 40 - 50 Playing the field
Walter Pangbourne 40 – 60 Linda’s “bit on the side”
Miss Smythe 40 – 65 Brilliant character, eccentric children’s authoress
Miss Wilkinson 25 - 40 Henry’s “bit on the side”
Auditions will be held on Saturday 30th. October at 11.30 at the Salon Varietes, Fuengirola.
Production dates 14th. – 19th. January 2011
Audition pieces will be available at the box office from the 16th. October.
If any potential auditionee would like to read the script or know more about any of the characters please telephone
EITHER: 952887372 / 617 520 923
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Trip to Tarifa and Estepona - October 21st
Tarifa was where it all began. In 710 a Moorish leader called Tatif ibn Malik probed the defenses of the peninsula in preparation for the invasion the following year and the history of Al Andalus began. The restored castle gives great views out over the Straits and you should be able to see Tangier in the distance and the busy shipping lanes of this very congested stretch of water.
The castle isn't the only attraction. The crumbling baroque exterior of the church of San Mateo disguises a fine Gothic church with interesting modern stained glass windows and a crucified Christ by the great eighteenth century sculptor Pedro de Mena.
For those who don't like castles and museums there is a daily street market and a delightful square - the Plaza de Santa Maria - where people watching is a must. Because of the windsurfing Tarifa attracts some really interesting people watching material.
Then we thought we would go to Estepona. Initially much discussion in the committee but then we realised that most of us had always meant to go there one day but never had. It is regarded as probably the best of the Costa del Sol towns. A good paseo, some lovely squares and a proper old town. Just the place for afternoon tea.
Join us for a lovely and inexpensive day out. Just 32 euros to cover morning coffee and lunch. We'll be at the desk Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Tuesday week is our first Committee of the new season so if you have any ideas let us know, whether for trips or lunches or some social occasion we should be organising. (not theatre policy, that is entirely SALVA's responsibility.
Don't bring a floppy hat |
There is also a modern icon by one of the most famous of modern Tarifans (?) Guillermo Perez Villalta.
Then we thought we would go to Estepona. Initially much discussion in the committee but then we realised that most of us had always meant to go there one day but never had. It is regarded as probably the best of the Costa del Sol towns. A good paseo, some lovely squares and a proper old town. Just the place for afternoon tea.
Join us for a lovely and inexpensive day out. Just 32 euros to cover morning coffee and lunch. We'll be at the desk Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Tuesday week is our first Committee of the new season so if you have any ideas let us know, whether for trips or lunches or some social occasion we should be organising. (not theatre policy, that is entirely SALVA's responsibility.
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Theatre's Autumn Season
I know many of you like to include plans to see a show when you are here and the Autumn Season at the theatre has been announced. This is it:
September 17th - 21st - Curtain Up a play by Peter Quilter.
Peter Quilter has had his plays translated into 20 languages in 31 countries around the world and this was his first. Originally called 'Respecting Your Piers' it is the story of 5 women who inherit equal shares in a dilapidated theatre and are in urgent need of money. In the time honoured fashion they put on a show using local talent and a big star they have roped in. Of course things go wrong and the play becomes a fast paced and very funny comedy.
October 1st to 5th - Razzle Dazzle 'Em this is a Musical revue produced by Lizz Freeman so little more needs to be said. I imagine the wardrobe department will have a lot to do. Who knows, with so many costumes in the dressing rooms and on the stage they may be able to spring clean an empty room!
Wednesday October 13th - Cor Merched Cwm Llynff ladies Choir I deserve a drink if I've typed that right. Welsh Choirs always go down well and I can't remember a ladies one before so something a bit different.
October 22nd - 26th - Black Coffee by Agatha Christie. Agatha is always a highlight of the year. This was the only play she wrote for Hercule Poirot played here by long time favourite David Vincent. For FOTA members an extra bonus is that the cast includes President, Treasurer and Secretary!
Reviews of the play when it was first produced in 1930 called it 'craftsmanlike and entertaining' the Telegraph theatre critic called it a 'sound piece of detective storywriting'. It has twice been turned into a film and has been a firm favourite of community theatre groups all over the world.
5th - 14th November - Anything Goes. What would Autumn be without a Peter Mitchell musical? This is one with songs and music written by Cole Porter and concerns the madcap antics on an ocean liner going from New York to London. Another 1930s favourite, when it starred Ethel Merman and ran for 420 performances on Broadway making it the fourth longest running show of the decade. She did it again in 1989 in the West End with John Barrowman who was later in the National Theatre production in 2003. It is being revived next year on Broadway. Songs include: Anything Goes, You're the Top, I Get a Kick Out of You and It's DeLovely.
26th - 30th November - The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomens Guild Dramatic Society's Production of a Christmas Carol. What could be more festive than to welcome the Ladies, and their long suffering male assistant, at this time of the year to give us their 'Christmas Carol'. Mind you if there isn't total mayhem and chaos resulting in much unintended hilarity in the audience I shall be very surprised. The Ladies are well known for not exactly getting it right. I don't know whether they inspired Michael Green's 'Art of Coarse Acting' but they would have done well at the his annual Coarse Acting contest at the Questors in Ealing!
4th and 5th December - Christmas with TIMS. sanity returns.
September 17th - 21st - Curtain Up a play by Peter Quilter.
Peter Quilter has had his plays translated into 20 languages in 31 countries around the world and this was his first. Originally called 'Respecting Your Piers' it is the story of 5 women who inherit equal shares in a dilapidated theatre and are in urgent need of money. In the time honoured fashion they put on a show using local talent and a big star they have roped in. Of course things go wrong and the play becomes a fast paced and very funny comedy.
October 1st to 5th - Razzle Dazzle 'Em this is a Musical revue produced by Lizz Freeman so little more needs to be said. I imagine the wardrobe department will have a lot to do. Who knows, with so many costumes in the dressing rooms and on the stage they may be able to spring clean an empty room!
Wednesday October 13th - Cor Merched Cwm Llynff ladies Choir I deserve a drink if I've typed that right. Welsh Choirs always go down well and I can't remember a ladies one before so something a bit different.
October 22nd - 26th - Black Coffee by Agatha Christie. Agatha is always a highlight of the year. This was the only play she wrote for Hercule Poirot played here by long time favourite David Vincent. For FOTA members an extra bonus is that the cast includes President, Treasurer and Secretary!
Reviews of the play when it was first produced in 1930 called it 'craftsmanlike and entertaining' the Telegraph theatre critic called it a 'sound piece of detective storywriting'. It has twice been turned into a film and has been a firm favourite of community theatre groups all over the world.
5th - 14th November - Anything Goes. What would Autumn be without a Peter Mitchell musical? This is one with songs and music written by Cole Porter and concerns the madcap antics on an ocean liner going from New York to London. Another 1930s favourite, when it starred Ethel Merman and ran for 420 performances on Broadway making it the fourth longest running show of the decade. She did it again in 1989 in the West End with John Barrowman who was later in the National Theatre production in 2003. It is being revived next year on Broadway. Songs include: Anything Goes, You're the Top, I Get a Kick Out of You and It's DeLovely.
26th - 30th November - The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomens Guild Dramatic Society's Production of a Christmas Carol. What could be more festive than to welcome the Ladies, and their long suffering male assistant, at this time of the year to give us their 'Christmas Carol'. Mind you if there isn't total mayhem and chaos resulting in much unintended hilarity in the audience I shall be very surprised. The Ladies are well known for not exactly getting it right. I don't know whether they inspired Michael Green's 'Art of Coarse Acting' but they would have done well at the his annual Coarse Acting contest at the Questors in Ealing!
4th and 5th December - Christmas with TIMS. sanity returns.
Monday, July 26, 2010
An audition - even in summer
I hope that you are all enjoying summer. There isn't much to post about on the blog when the theatre is closed and I don't hear much gossip. Biggest news is that Alex, who has been running the bar ever since I came along nine years ago, is going back to Argentina. She has had some serious health problems lately and we all wish her well. Lets hope that, like many of us, she finds her own country fully supportive.
I hope those of you staying here for the summer are coping with the weather. We have just had nine days in Norway (wonderful) and really enjoyed the rain and the temperatures. When we took off from Oslo to come back here the pilot told us it was 19 in Oslo and 35 in Malaga.
NOW for the bit you have been waiting for. Lizz Freeman is putting this notice in the papers this weekend:
Ever wanted to Tread "The Boards" Auditon Notice
The Salon is presenting a Musical Revue from the 1st until the 5th Oct.
We need singers, rock, pop, classical, standards, plus dancers of all styles,are you a group that could perform flamenco, line dancing, anything up beat and happy, then come for the Auditon which is on the Saturday 31st of July at The Salon (stage door entrance) at 12 noon . I must stress that it is unpaid, and needs total dedication and commitment to rehearsal time. please bring a CD or backing track.
Director Lizz Freeman, more info on 952930039 or 606611228
Go for it!
Any news you have will be gratefully received. I'd like to keep this interesting during the summer.
Keep cool.
I hope those of you staying here for the summer are coping with the weather. We have just had nine days in Norway (wonderful) and really enjoyed the rain and the temperatures. When we took off from Oslo to come back here the pilot told us it was 19 in Oslo and 35 in Malaga.
NOW for the bit you have been waiting for. Lizz Freeman is putting this notice in the papers this weekend:
Ever wanted to Tread "The Boards" Auditon Notice
The Salon is presenting a Musical Revue from the 1st until the 5th Oct.
We need singers, rock, pop, classical, standards, plus dancers of all styles,are you a group that could perform flamenco, line dancing, anything up beat and happy, then come for the Auditon which is on the Saturday 31st of July at The Salon (stage door entrance) at 12 noon . I must stress that it is unpaid, and needs total dedication and commitment to rehearsal time. please bring a CD or backing track.
Director Lizz Freeman, more info on 952930039 or 606611228
Go for it!
Any news you have will be gratefully received. I'd like to keep this interesting during the summer.
Keep cool.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
FOTA AGM Minutes
The posts are a little out of sequence but that is because these minutes have been reviewed by the Board members so they should be pretty accurate but they are still draft minutes and if there is a correction please make a comment.
FOTA – Friends of the Theatre Association.
Minutes of the AGM held May 12th 2010
The meeting was called to order on the second call at 6.30 p.m. The President thanked the 13 members for attending.
Board members present: President David Radford, Vice President Pauline Naylor, Treasurer Arthur Hill, Secretary Graham Cherry, Helen Tomlinson, Norma Wilson and Helen Young.
Apologies were received from Pat Suart, Sid Wright, Julia Bretton, Doreen Slater, Eddie Barnett, Reg Harding, Frank Morris, Wendy Smith, Ellie Bennetts.
Minutes of the 2009 meeting were taken as read unanimously and there were no matters arising.
President’s report
The President presented his report and drew attention in particular to:
The absence of Pat Suart for much of the year meant that the Board operated with 7 members and efforts to increase this had proved unsuccessful. He considered that there was no urgent need to increase the number of Board members but expressed concern that ano domini was having an effect.
The raffles held this year had been a great success and this change of direction would continue.
The anniversary booklet had been produced and was adjudged a success. Financially there was a profit due to thirteen sponsors of 100 euros each and 2 reprints had been made. 731 copies had been printed and 100 remain to be sold. There were two additional outlets at David’s Bookshop and Woodys. He explained the difficulties with the substandard work of Xpress print. The sense of the meeting was that the matter should continue to be pursued.
He thanked the desk helpers for their work in the year.
Acceptance of the report was proposed by Gloria Harding and seconded by Sweelan Ford.
Treasurers report
The Treasurer presented his report. He drew attention to good attendance at the lunches which although they made no direct profit produced a good raffle return. The trips had been well attended particularly the later ones.
Profits had increased by 2000 euros and 11000 euros had been handed over to SALVA.
Revenue from cards again declined slightly and it was thought this would continue as more people relied on e mails as a cheaper alternative or simply cut back with the increase in postal charges.
Acceptance of the report was proposed by peter Pillinger and seconded by Gina Foster..
The retiring members of the Committee were re-elected unopposed.
Any Other Business
The organizational relationship with SALVA was discussed and it was explained that at present FOTA came under the aegis of SALVA. It was possible that FOTA could become more firmly the social and fundraising subcommittee of SALVA but the necessary constitutional arrangements were being examined by Howard John who is currently indisposed.
Ana Atteck told the meeting that as the maximum revenue handed over in any one of the last five years fell below 25,000 euros it was possible for FOTA to be an independent legal entity and this possibility of keeping FOTA independent of SALVA would be pursued with Ana’s help.
Questions were asked as to the frequency of raffles and why there were no plans for one for ‘Putting on the Glitz’. The President explained that the Board considered that it was only worthwhile with the longer running big musicals and ‘raffle fatigue’ might become a problem.
The President informed the meeting that an examination of the early minutes of FOTA revealed that the 25th anniversary of FOTA was on June 1st.
The Secretary told the meeting that the blog had been expanded a little so that members could be kept informed of productions and auditions as well as Trips and Lunches etc.
A group called ‘Fuengirola’s Theatre Friends’ had been set up on Facebook – the name FOTA could not be used as this was used by the Formula One Teams Association – and currently had 119 members. This meant that some information of FOTA’s activities was getting out to non members who were cross referenced to the blog.
The Secretary of SALVA conveyed the thanks of the Board of SALVA for the efforts of FOTA at fundraising and informed the meeting that SALVA had improved profits by 20,000 euros in the past year (this included the 11,000 euros from FOTA.
There being no further business the meeting concluded at 7.20
Cordoba Trip
Delighted to say that we set off with practically a full coach and produced over 400 euros for FOTA and hence the theatre's funds. I am told the highlight was the visit to the Alcazar gardens which were stunning.
I had been to Cordoba the week before as a birthday treat so didn't go on this trip. That means if you took any photos and want to upload them for everyone to see feel fee to do so.
Any other comments?
I had been to Cordoba the week before as a birthday treat so didn't go on this trip. That means if you took any photos and want to upload them for everyone to see feel fee to do so.
Any other comments?
Sunday, May 02, 2010
FOTA Day Trip to Cordoba

Although we intend that you will see the other places for which Cordoba is famous the Mezquita cannot be ignored. Once one of the most beautiful buildings in the world it proved a template for Islamic buildings everywhere. Even if you have been a hundred times this is not a building where you slope off for another coffee whilst the party goes in.

Not far away are two more sites. The Roman bridge has been recently restored as have the Arab baths where the Caliph held daily meetings.
Cordoba isn't a large town and these buildings are near to the area known as the Juderia. A maze of twisting streets they are the picture book image so many people have of Andalucia. In early May the patios of the houses are open to show off the flowers in thousands of pots, baskets and containers. The festival will be over by the time of our visit but the flowers remain and are lovingly nurtured through the year.There are some famous and intriguing photo opportunities round here.
Taking Steps
This Friday marks the opening of the last play for this season and it is a corker. Alan Ayckbourn reckons to have only written two farces, a job for the experienced playwright, and this is one of them. It was dedicated to the immortal farceur Ben Travers when it opened on September 28th 1979 in Scarborough where his plays regularly first see the light of day. The opening night ran for 17 minutes longer than the dress rehearsal because of the laughter. This was so loud it blew the theatre's ancient relay system.
It went on to become one of the biggest hits at the theatre since it opened in 1955 and a huge commercial success there becoming the first play to run for more than 100 performances there.
Michael Billington describes it as: a 'riotously funny farce – it also reminds us that farce at its very best is inescapably about something: in this case, women's hunger for freedom and the difficulties of rational communication.'
Ayckbourn talks of plausible people in improbable situations.
The play is directed by Ana Atteck who directed 'Absurd Person Singular' last year. Surviving from the cast of that play are Jules Vander ( also a memorable Mrs Wicksteed in 'Habeas Corpus' to underline her comedy credentials) and Stephen Burns. The cast is made up with Salon Established performers.
It went on to become one of the biggest hits at the theatre since it opened in 1955 and a huge commercial success there becoming the first play to run for more than 100 performances there.
Michael Billington describes it as: a 'riotously funny farce – it also reminds us that farce at its very best is inescapably about something: in this case, women's hunger for freedom and the difficulties of rational communication.'
Ayckbourn talks of plausible people in improbable situations.
The play is directed by Ana Atteck who directed 'Absurd Person Singular' last year. Surviving from the cast of that play are Jules Vander ( also a memorable Mrs Wicksteed in 'Habeas Corpus' to underline her comedy credentials) and Stephen Burns. The cast is made up with Salon Established performers.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Audition Notice for next October's Agatha Christie
FOTA members may want to make a note in their diary for the audition for 'Black Coffee' by Agatha Christie which will be produced next October. it's along way away but at least the summer is there for line learning!
Directed by Peter Brooks
Auditions will be held on Saturday 29th. May between 11.00 am. – 1.30 pm. for this tight mystery thriller (The first and only play actually written by Agatha Christie featuring Hercule Poirot)
Production dates 22nd. – 26th. October
Rehearsals commencing early September
TREADWELL (the butler) 50 plus
LUCIA AMORY (Richard’s wife) attractive
25 - 30
MISS CAROLINE AMORY (Sir Claude’s younger sister) Straitlaced spinster 60’ish
RICHARD AMORY (Sir Claude’s son) 30 – 40
BARBARA AMORY (Sir Claude’s niece) 30’s
EDWARD RAYNOR (Sir Claude’s secretary)
35 - 40
DR. CARELLI Italian/Spanish sinister 30’s
SIR CLAUDE AMORY Scientist 65 - 75
HERCULE POIROT Not a David Suchet look-
a-like 50 - 60
CAPT.HASTINGS Poirot’s sidekick 50 – 60
DR GRAHAM 40 plus
INSP. JAPP Scotland Yard Insp. 40 –60
JOHNSON Police constable 20 – 30
Audition pieces will be available in the box office from Monday May 3rd. If you are interested but cannot attend on the 29th. or would like more information re. the characters please don’t hesitate to telephone Peter on 952 887 372
Peter Brooks
Monday, April 19, 2010
April Committee report
We began with a nice surprise in that FOTA member and stalwart Stage manager, Gloria Harding, came to say thanks for the CCTV system FOTA have had installed backstage. Having been in two shows recently I can vouch for the benefit it provides not just for the stage crew but also for the poor soul waiting to go on. It was really nice to have the efforts of all FOTA members recognised like this and we hope that the system will not only continue to prove really useful but that we can look at it in operation and improve it if necessary.
Our 'matters arising' included the information that the Facebook Group we have set up to keep members informed had 106 members. (now up to 113 members). If you haven't joined it is Fuengirola's Theatre Friends.
The lunch at Casa Rustica in February had 18 members and guests and the raffle raised 35 euros.
The trip to Grazalema was a very British success as smiles won over adversity thrown by the weather. We couldn't go on exactly the route planned but everyone enjoyed the alternative thought up by Juan and a profit was made.
The financial report from the Treasurer showed a healthy balance and 1000 euros was handed over to the theatre.
We discussed whether it was appropriate to hold an AGM as we are in a constitutional limbo at present but we will go ahead and we set a date of May 12th. Notices have been displayed.
And that was it. We finished at just after 100 which enabled those of us Breaking The Code to get home and have some lunch before the evening performance.
Our 'matters arising' included the information that the Facebook Group we have set up to keep members informed had 106 members. (now up to 113 members). If you haven't joined it is Fuengirola's Theatre Friends.
The lunch at Casa Rustica in February had 18 members and guests and the raffle raised 35 euros.
The trip to Grazalema was a very British success as smiles won over adversity thrown by the weather. We couldn't go on exactly the route planned but everyone enjoyed the alternative thought up by Juan and a profit was made.
The financial report from the Treasurer showed a healthy balance and 1000 euros was handed over to the theatre.
We discussed whether it was appropriate to hold an AGM as we are in a constitutional limbo at present but we will go ahead and we set a date of May 12th. Notices have been displayed.
And that was it. We finished at just after 100 which enabled those of us Breaking The Code to get home and have some lunch before the evening performance.
Friday, April 02, 2010
Breaking The Code
BREAKING THE CODE is the story of Alan Turing who did more than anyone(except possibly Churchill) to win the second world war. He then went on to become a distinguished Professor at Manchester University and work secretly for GCHQ.
He broke two codes. One good and one bad (for the times).
The good was that while at Bletchley Park during the war he developed a way of breaking the German Enigma Code and ensuring that the U Boats could be defeated and England saved from starvation. This work was continued after the war at Manchester where he built the worlds first digital computer. For this he was recently listed at 42 in the most important people of the twentieth century.
BUT he was homosexual and in 1952 was arrested on a charge of Gross Indecency. It seems he was hung out to dry by the Establishment for breaking this code, possibly to appease Senator McCarthy and his witch hunts in the USA. He lost his security clearance and his ability to do the work he wanted to do and probably committed suicide (there is some doubt about that, but not much).
This is an intriguing and moving play which has gripped audiences for over twenty years. It may make you appreciate why the present Prime Minister made a public apology for the way that Turing was treated, it may make you angry at how talent was wasted then and it may make you angry at the way talent is wasted now when important men and women, such as fluent Arabic speakers, are dismissed because they are gay and can't be replaced. Which leaves the Intelligence Services with knowledge gaps now just as they had when Turing was thrown away.
Well it may make you feel those things. It will entertain you.
He broke two codes. One good and one bad (for the times).
The good was that while at Bletchley Park during the war he developed a way of breaking the German Enigma Code and ensuring that the U Boats could be defeated and England saved from starvation. This work was continued after the war at Manchester where he built the worlds first digital computer. For this he was recently listed at 42 in the most important people of the twentieth century.
BUT he was homosexual and in 1952 was arrested on a charge of Gross Indecency. It seems he was hung out to dry by the Establishment for breaking this code, possibly to appease Senator McCarthy and his witch hunts in the USA. He lost his security clearance and his ability to do the work he wanted to do and probably committed suicide (there is some doubt about that, but not much).
This is an intriguing and moving play which has gripped audiences for over twenty years. It may make you appreciate why the present Prime Minister made a public apology for the way that Turing was treated, it may make you angry at how talent was wasted then and it may make you angry at the way talent is wasted now when important men and women, such as fluent Arabic speakers, are dismissed because they are gay and can't be replaced. Which leaves the Intelligence Services with knowledge gaps now just as they had when Turing was thrown away.
Well it may make you feel those things. It will entertain you.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
FOTA is now on Facebook. We couldn't use the name 'FOTA' because the Formula One Teams Association has a million or so followers and we can't quite get that many. We are working towards it but it might take a few more weeks yet! The aim of the page is primarily to keep members of FOTA up to date with what is happening. Show Dates, Openings, Auditions, News etc. Non members are welcome and maybe will think they could join us too. The group is an open one so all can join.
it's called: Fuengirola's Theatre Friends.
I hope that you will find it both interesting and useful.
it's called: Fuengirola's Theatre Friends.
I hope that you will find it both interesting and useful.
Joseph Raffle
During the run of 'Joseph' volunteers sold raffle tickets and took a total of 761 euros. Thanks to all who bought, to all who sold (horrible job!) and to the cast who kept the audience coming in for 11 shows.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
FOTA Trip to Guadix
Thursday April 15th
Guadix is an ancient pre Roman town set at the foot of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Here Julius caesar mined silver to keep the Empire going, later the Visigoths ran an increasingly important Bishopric and the Moors had a culture to rival Granada. But that isn't what it is famous for.
In the Barrio Santiago about 10000 people live in cave houses which vary enormously in luxury and style but all have in common a constant 18 to 20 C range of temperature. Perfect for the winters in the hills and the summers of inland Andalucia
In the city the newly opened Cueva Museo is sited in a series of rehabilitated cave houses and documents the reality and history of cave life using audio visual techniques and reconstructed rooms (at a much cheaper rate than being 'invited' in to look at a house.)
The town has been a bishopric since the Romans ruled Spain. For much of the Moorish period it continued but not towards the end. In the sixteenth century work began on a new Cathedral on the site of a Mosque. It took a long time and so is a mix of late Gothic and Baroque styles (with some stylistic debt due to Malaga Cathedral). The town suffered greatly in the Civil War and there is evidence in the Cathedral of vandalism and martyrdom.
As ever the trip will include a stop for tostado and coffee and lunch and will cost only 30 euros ( a saving of about 50% on commercial trips). On board will be our lovely Gina.
The desk is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings for bookings.
You can book for lunch as well at casa Rustica if you fancy a convivial Thursday.
March Committee Report
Report of the last Committee meeting March 2010
Pat Suart who has been a stalwart member of FOTA for many years and a valued member of the Board has asked for a years absence for personal reasons. We hope that all goes well and we shall see her back in a years time.
Sales of the Anniversary Booklet have gone so well that we agreed a third printing. They are on sale whenever FOTA has a desk or David is selling his cards in the foyer as well as at performances. A denuncia has been issued for the aborted initial print run and a reply received.
The lunch at Casa Rustica was a success but some organizational problems need to be addressed. 15 members turned up without making a prior booking. The booking with the restaurant and the payment go through our books and so the start of the meal was delayed. There were also problems hearing the guest speaker because the restaurant is open to the public who cannot be expected to be quiet. Nevertheless an excellent meal and a raffle which raised 70€ ensured it can be counted a success.
The trip to the Genal Valley had to be re routed because of the weather but was still a popular success. The coach went to Colmenar and the Rio Gordo. Everyone enjoyed themselves and a profit was made for FOTA’s funds.
The Treasurer reported that we had sufficient funds to hand over another 2000 euros to the theatre. This makes a total of 35,798 euros since September 2008
Finally we agreed to set up a group on Facebook to publicise our activities and inform members of events at the theatre.
The group is called Fuengirola’s Theatre Friends. It is an open group and already has over 100 members. You are welcome to sign in.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
March Committee news
The Anniversary Booklet goes from strength to strength and it was agreed to go into a third printing of another 200 copies. With the set up sponsorship and sales we have had a gross income of 2070 euros. The final net income figure is expected to be quite healthy. Outside sales are being made at David's Bookshop and at Woodys, both in Los Boliches.
Lunches continue to be popular but a breakdown in the booking system is causing problems. At the last Casa Rustica lunch we had 15 people 'on the door' which meant that taking the money and sorting receipts etc. delayed the lunch considerably. We shall ask members to book in advance at the desk and hope that all will do so. The speaker was enjoyed but as the restaurant is a public one some of our group couldn't hear over the noise of other diners. With the summer approaching this can only get worse so we shall have to reconsider the idea of a speaker.
The trip in February to the Genal valley had to be changed at the last moment because of weather problems but feedback has been very good and it made a profit. Nobody has sent me any pictures of the trip (hint) which actually went to Colmenar and the Rio Gordo.
Our next trip to Grazalema is booking well.
The finances were such that we were able to hand over 2000 euros to SALVA and with this went the closing amount from our Bank Account. Since September 2008 FOTA has handed over 35,798 euros to SALVA.
Finally we agreed to set up a Facebook Group for FOTA. It is called Fuengirola's Theatre Friends. Membership of the group is open and already nearly a hundred have joined. The agreed aim was to let people know about FOTA's activities, theatre events and auditions.
Lunches continue to be popular but a breakdown in the booking system is causing problems. At the last Casa Rustica lunch we had 15 people 'on the door' which meant that taking the money and sorting receipts etc. delayed the lunch considerably. We shall ask members to book in advance at the desk and hope that all will do so. The speaker was enjoyed but as the restaurant is a public one some of our group couldn't hear over the noise of other diners. With the summer approaching this can only get worse so we shall have to reconsider the idea of a speaker.
The trip in February to the Genal valley had to be changed at the last moment because of weather problems but feedback has been very good and it made a profit. Nobody has sent me any pictures of the trip (hint) which actually went to Colmenar and the Rio Gordo.
Our next trip to Grazalema is booking well.
The finances were such that we were able to hand over 2000 euros to SALVA and with this went the closing amount from our Bank Account. Since September 2008 FOTA has handed over 35,798 euros to SALVA.
Finally we agreed to set up a Facebook Group for FOTA. It is called Fuengirola's Theatre Friends. Membership of the group is open and already nearly a hundred have joined. The agreed aim was to let people know about FOTA's activities, theatre events and auditions.
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Long regarded as one of the prettiest white villages in Andalucia Grazalema is situated just outside our province in Cadiz province. Ronda is quite close by and the Serriana de Ronda provides stunning scenery as we make our way to the village.
These images have come from googling Grazalema on the net and are part of a collection of 168 (but they include some odd ones, Mariano Rajoy anyone?)
During the days of Al Andalus Berbers from the Atlas mountains came to this area and brought with them sheep farming. The legacy today is a woollen industry and a thriving cheese factory which we shall visit

Looks rather nice

For those who are townies and only a delightful square with bars and restaurants (and maybe an eighteenth century church) will do how about the main square in Grazalema
Thursday March 18th 9.00
outside SOLBANK - just past the market - cost 30 euros to include tostado and coffee
Gina looking after you.
We have about a dozen bookings already so come and see us on Monday Wednesday or Friday in the morning.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
News and waiting for News
Tickets still available for the show until Wednesday.
The Trip. I haven't heard yet how it went but there's some more intrepid members around having gone on the trip on Thursday. The rain wasn't as bad as we had feared so I hope those of you who went had a great time. Dunkirk Spirit eh?
Monday, February 08, 2010
February Committee report
The Anniversary Booklet which FOTA has sponsored is now into its second printing. That means another 208 copies to be sold but with a new outlet in Woodys in Los Boliches and copies still going during the run of shows and at the desk we are optimistic that all will be well.
We had a very successful lunch at Casa Rustica in January. Members attending were impressed with the food and the value and then contributed 64€ to the raffle. We are back there again this month and bookings are being taken at the desk.
By last Tuesday 27 had booked for trip to see the Almond Blossoms Scenery and Wildlife of the Genal Valley. I have had a couple of phone calls as well so I hope that when I do the desk on Wednesday we shall be nearly there. If you haven't booked it is getting close to make your mind up time. I did the trip a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. I guess I ought to take my own advice and get organised if I want to go again!
The Treasurer presented his report and as a result we have agreed to hand over another 2000 euros to SALVA. There will be another 2000 plus when we can close the Bank account which we hope to do shortly. There is only one authorised signatory left from the early days when it was set up and as soon as she returns we shall sort this out.
Any Other Business produced one little item. At the last Christmas Bazaar we were given a new and very good food processor/mixer which was to go on the white elephant stall. We decided, however, that it was too good for the sort of offers such occasions generate and Helen Young became custodian of it in the hope that we could sell it separately. If you would like a super piece of kitchen equipment and think this might be it come and see us at the desk.
Still two nights left to see Entertaining Mr Sloane. very good audience reaction so far so treat yourself to a funny but dark black comedy. Tonight and Tuesday at 8.00. FOTA members discount tonight
We had a very successful lunch at Casa Rustica in January. Members attending were impressed with the food and the value and then contributed 64€ to the raffle. We are back there again this month and bookings are being taken at the desk.
By last Tuesday 27 had booked for trip to see the Almond Blossoms Scenery and Wildlife of the Genal Valley. I have had a couple of phone calls as well so I hope that when I do the desk on Wednesday we shall be nearly there. If you haven't booked it is getting close to make your mind up time. I did the trip a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. I guess I ought to take my own advice and get organised if I want to go again!
The Treasurer presented his report and as a result we have agreed to hand over another 2000 euros to SALVA. There will be another 2000 plus when we can close the Bank account which we hope to do shortly. There is only one authorised signatory left from the early days when it was set up and as soon as she returns we shall sort this out.
Any Other Business produced one little item. At the last Christmas Bazaar we were given a new and very good food processor/mixer which was to go on the white elephant stall. We decided, however, that it was too good for the sort of offers such occasions generate and Helen Young became custodian of it in the hope that we could sell it separately. If you would like a super piece of kitchen equipment and think this might be it come and see us at the desk.
Still two nights left to see Entertaining Mr Sloane. very good audience reaction so far so treat yourself to a funny but dark black comedy. Tonight and Tuesday at 8.00. FOTA members discount tonight
Monday, February 01, 2010
Entertaining Mr Sloane. This weekend
Entertaining Mr Sloane opens this Friday at the theatre for a five night run as you have probably seen from the publicity in the local papers.
The play first premiered in 1964 and established Joe Orton as one of the most important writers of farce in the 20th century. This was not immediately apparent to the audiences of the time who had to adjust to a very different take on farce. Despite Orton’s professed admiration for Pinter as the only English playwright worth his salt it was Sir Terence Rattigan who recognized a major talent he admired and came to the rescue with both financial and critical support which ensured the play’s success. Pinter's influence on Orton didn't hinder him developing his own distinctive style. An Ortonesque farce is one that turns grotesque, explicitly sexual and purposefully shocking. They are satires on the hypocrisy and cruelty of middle class England full of self mockery, frank lust, exaggerated fantasy and a little casual brutality. They are also very funny.
Sloane is a young, attractive man who is invited home as a lust object/surrogate son by Kath. Her father, Kemp, recognizes him as the youth who may have murdered his last employer meanwhile her brother Ed would like to take him under his wing and employ him as a live in chauffeur and….
Sloane manipulates this situation to his advantage playing parlour power games with a sadistic relish but in attempting to manipulate brother and sister to his advantage he ends as their victim. Or does he? In this battle for territory has he manipulated the situation to his own advantage?
Sloane manipulates this situation to his advantage playing parlour power games with a sadistic relish but in attempting to manipulate brother and sister to his advantage he ends as their victim. Or does he? In this battle for territory has he manipulated the situation to his own advantage?
The play has been described as wild, witty and utterly heartless. In this production the director is Peter Mitchell and the cast is Lizz Freeman, John David Gale, Francis Butler and Graham Cherry. Despite the first four names and the title, if you have got this far you will know it is not a musical.
This post shows in February. Don't forget to look at the last post in January for details of our visit to the Almond Blossoms and spectacular scenery of the Genal Valley
This post shows in February. Don't forget to look at the last post in January for details of our visit to the Almond Blossoms and spectacular scenery of the Genal Valley
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Almond Blssom trip - February 18th

Our first trip of 2010 is to the delightful Genal Valley, part of the Serriana de Ronda, rightly prized as a National treasure in Spain.
This winter we have had one of our wettest in memory and rivers and lakes will be looking their best. The plant life will have benefited enormously too from winter rains so we can hope - as far as nature ever lets us - that the mountains, hillsides and valleys will be full of blossom and flowers. This usually encourages wildlife too and the valley is home to rare eagles and vultures, to deer and wild boar.
Around the white villages, and there are 16 of them in the valley, there are orchards with oranges, lemons, limes, plums and sweet chestnuts. These are used in the production of marmalades, preserves and sweetmeats. You will be allowed to buy!
So come and join us. The trip as always includes
- a stop for tostado and coffee
- lunch
- Gina
Will you see a Griffon Vulture?
Find out on February 18th
Find out on February 18th
Monday, January 11, 2010
Next Play

When I saw this play during its West End run I almost left in the interval!
My side was aching so much from laughing I wasn't sure I could manage another hour.
'Behind the scenes' plays are always popular. This one concerns a cast of professional but decidedly not good, actors who can't quite get it right to begin with but obviously manage it because the second part is set three months into the run of the show. By now they are beginning to get on each others nerves and you see what happens backstage before the audience see the smiles and sincerity out front. Finally we see them well into the run when confusion reigns where there ought to be smoothness.
It is really difficult acting an incompetent actor and Peter Brooks has assembled a cast of Salon regulars whose abilities of course bear no relationship to the characters they play, being famous for the sweetness, light and harmony they dispense wherever they go in our theatre.
Dates: Friday 22nd to Wednesday 27th January 2010 (so one extra night on the usual run of a play.
Box Office: 952 475 542
And don't forget the next FOTA lunch is on January 14th.
Friday, January 08, 2010
January Committee meeting
But first let me wish you a Happy New Year. For most of our members, whether in Spain or England (or even those who went to Florida - did you see those pictures on the news and You Tube of frozen iguanas falling out of trees?) the year hasn't begun too well weather wise. For us on the Costa del Sol at least all the rain means plenty of water in the summer but I am pretty sure that we are grateful not to be facing the snow and ice that those of you in England are dealing with.
We had a report from Sweelan Ford to tell us that we have sold 146 copies of the anniversary booklet and with freebies for the sponsors that only left 88 copies. The proposal put to us was to finance another 200 copies and this was agreed. It means that we have to sell 150 of these to break even so a total of 240 still to go. The anniversary party will be in June so there is time to shift them. If you want a copy then David Radford is in the theatre most days and can easily be persuaded to part with one in exchange for five euros.
Feedback on the Christmas Lunch was excellent and it seems the recession helped matters by limiting numbers, making for a better atmosphere. Next year we intend to keep to around 40 but fear not there will be plenty of warning so you can book. We continue with our usual lunches from February 4th when we return to Casa Rustica. Our last visit there was a great success and we intend it to be our venue for the rest of this season. We are organising a guest speaker and we hope that our first will be announced soon. Unfortunately I have to say that because our arranged speaker was to be Barrie Suart but he suffered a heart attack during his Christmas visit to England and can't fly back. We all wish him well and hope to see him soon.
Our trips have always offered incredible value for money and although it is getting more and more difficult to keep the prices really low a comparison with what is offered by travel agents will show that there is real value there still and the next one which we are calling Almond Blossom and Villages is no exception. I'll post a little more later but having been on a previous visit to the Genal Valley and the villages of Manilva and Gaucin I can assure you that a good day is in prospect. The suggestion in the press is that the recent heavy rains will produce some wonderful blossom and wild flowers and with our usual stop for coffee and tostado and lunch included 27 euros is a bargain. The date for your diary is February 18th
Future trips will be to Grazalmena and the cheese factory and to Guadix. Details later.
Our finances continue to be healthy. In December we handed over 1000 euros to the theatre and we confidently expect that this month we can hand over 3 to 4000 more. Much of this comes from the sales of our cards and the raffles and for that we must thank all who buy.
Finally I would like to ask for help. I want to make the blog more interesting and the FOTA noticeboard outside the theatre can sometimes be a bit boring. I don't get to all of our events so if I am not there (or even if I am) and you have taken some good pictures which I can use please let me know. You can e mail them to me at grahamcherry@hotmail.com. It is getting tricky getting good photos of places we are going to where copyright isn't an issue so a good start would be any nice Almond Blossom or ones of Manilva or Gaucin. If you send them I shall assume permission to publish or use them in publicity. Thanks.
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