When I saw this play during its West End run I almost left in the interval!
My side was aching so much from laughing I wasn't sure I could manage another hour.
'Behind the scenes' plays are always popular. This one concerns a cast of professional but decidedly not good, actors who can't quite get it right to begin with but obviously manage it because the second part is set three months into the run of the show. By now they are beginning to get on each others nerves and you see what happens backstage before the audience see the smiles and sincerity out front. Finally we see them well into the run when confusion reigns where there ought to be smoothness.
It is really difficult acting an incompetent actor and Peter Brooks has assembled a cast of Salon regulars whose abilities of course bear no relationship to the characters they play, being famous for the sweetness, light and harmony they dispense wherever they go in our theatre.
Dates: Friday 22nd to Wednesday 27th January 2010 (so one extra night on the usual run of a play.
Box Office: 952 475 542
And don't forget the next FOTA lunch is on January 14th.
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