Tarifa was where it all began. In 710 a Moorish leader called Tatif ibn Malik
probed the defenses of the peninsula in preparation for the invasion the following year and the history of Al Andalus began. The restored castle gives great views out over the Straits and you should be able to see Tangier in the distance and the busy shipping lanes of this very congested stretch of water.
The most famous story of this castle concerns the siege of 1292 when the
Moors had captured the son of the commander, Alonso Perez de Guzman and threatened to kill him if the castle didn't surrender. Guzman threw down his knife saying 'I prefer honour without a son to dishonour with one. |
Looking the other way from the rampart gardens you can see the narrow lanes of this town that began with the Phonecians and was important to the Romans. Today it is one of the most important windsurfing centres in the world.
Don't bring a floppy hat
The castle isn't the only attraction. The crumbling baroque exterior of the church of San Mateo disguises a fine Gothic church with interesting modern stained glass windows and a crucified Christ by the great eighteenth century sculptor Pedro de Mena.
There is also a modern icon by one of the most famous of modern Tarifans (?) Guillermo Perez Villalta.

For those who don't like castles and museums there is a daily street market and a delightful square - the Plaza de Santa Maria - where people watching is a must. Because of the windsurfing Tarifa attracts some really interesting people watching material.
Then we thought we would go to
Estepona. Initially much discussion in the committee but then we realised that most of us had always meant to go there one day but never had. It is regarded as probably the best of the Costa del Sol towns. A good paseo, some lovely squares and a proper old town. Just the place for afternoon tea.
Join us for a lovely and inexpensive day out. Just 32 euros to cover morning coffee and lunch. We'll be at the desk Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Tuesday week is our first Committee of the new season so if you have any ideas let us know, whether for trips or lunches or some social occasion we should be organising. (not theatre policy, that is entirely SALVA's responsibility.
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