FOTA Trip to Guadix
Thursday April 15th
Guadix is an ancient pre Roman town set at the foot of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Here Julius caesar mined silver to keep the Empire going, later the Visigoths ran an increasingly important Bishopric and the Moors had a culture to rival Granada. But that isn't what it is famous for.
In the Barrio Santiago about 10000 people live in cave houses which vary enormously in luxury and style but all have in common a constant 18 to 20 C range of temperature. Perfect for the winters in the hills and the summers of inland Andalucia
In the city the newly opened Cueva Museo is sited in a series of rehabilitated cave houses and documents the reality and history of cave life using audio visual techniques and reconstructed rooms (at a much cheaper rate than being 'invited' in to look at a house.)
The town has been a bishopric since the Romans ruled Spain. For much of the Moorish period it continued but not towards the end. In the sixteenth century work began on a new Cathedral on the site of a Mosque. It took a long time and so is a mix of late Gothic and Baroque styles (with some stylistic debt due to Malaga Cathedral). The town suffered greatly in the Civil War and there is evidence in the Cathedral of vandalism and martyrdom.
As ever the trip will include a stop for tostado and coffee and lunch and will cost only 30 euros ( a saving of about 50% on commercial trips). On board will be our lovely Gina.
The desk is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings for bookings.
You can book for lunch as well at casa Rustica if you fancy a convivial Thursday.
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