Sunday, May 23, 2010

FOTA AGM Minutes

The posts are a little out of sequence but that is because these minutes have been reviewed by the Board members so they should be pretty accurate but they are still draft minutes and if there is a correction please make a comment.

 FOTA – Friends of the Theatre Association.

Minutes of the AGM held May 12th 2010

The meeting was called to order on the second call at 6.30 p.m. The President thanked the 13 members for attending.  

Board members present: President David Radford, Vice President Pauline Naylor, Treasurer Arthur Hill, Secretary Graham Cherry,  Helen Tomlinson, Norma Wilson and Helen Young.

Apologies were received from Pat Suart, Sid Wright, Julia Bretton, Doreen Slater, Eddie Barnett, Reg Harding, Frank Morris, Wendy Smith, Ellie Bennetts.

Minutes of the 2009 meeting were taken as read unanimously and there were no matters arising.

President’s report

The President presented his report and drew attention in particular to:

The absence of Pat Suart for much of the year meant that the Board operated with 7 members and efforts to increase this had proved unsuccessful. He considered that there was no urgent need to increase the number of Board members but expressed concern that ano domini was having an effect.

The raffles held this year had been a great success and this change of direction would continue.

The anniversary booklet had been produced and was adjudged a success. Financially there was a profit due to thirteen sponsors of 100 euros each and 2 reprints had been made. 731 copies had been printed and 100 remain to be sold. There were two additional outlets at David’s Bookshop and Woodys. He explained the difficulties with the substandard work of Xpress print. The sense of the meeting was that the matter should continue to be pursued.

He thanked the desk helpers for their work in the year.

Acceptance of the report was proposed by Gloria Harding and seconded by Sweelan Ford.

Treasurers report

The Treasurer presented his report. He drew attention to good attendance at the lunches which although they made no direct profit produced a good raffle return. The trips had been well attended particularly the later ones.
Profits had increased by 2000 euros and 11000 euros had been handed over to SALVA.

Revenue from cards again declined slightly and it was thought this would continue as more people relied on e mails as a cheaper alternative or simply cut back with the increase in postal charges.

Acceptance of the report was proposed by peter Pillinger and  seconded by Gina Foster..


The retiring members of the Committee were re-elected unopposed.  

Any Other Business

The organizational relationship with SALVA was discussed and it was explained that at present FOTA came under the aegis of SALVA. It was possible that FOTA could become more firmly the social and fundraising subcommittee of SALVA but the necessary constitutional arrangements were being examined by Howard John who is currently indisposed.

Ana Atteck told the meeting that as the maximum revenue handed over in any one of the last five years fell below 25,000 euros it was possible for FOTA to be an independent legal entity and this possibility of keeping FOTA independent of SALVA would be pursued with Ana’s help.

Questions were asked as to the frequency of raffles and why there were no plans for one for ‘Putting on the Glitz’. The President explained that the Board considered that it was only worthwhile with the longer running big musicals and ‘raffle fatigue’ might become a problem.

The President informed the meeting that an examination of the early minutes of FOTA revealed that the 25th anniversary of FOTA was on June 1st

The Secretary told the meeting that the blog had been expanded a little so that members could be kept informed of productions and auditions as well as Trips and Lunches etc.

A group called ‘Fuengirola’s Theatre Friends’ had been set up on Facebook – the name FOTA could not be used as this was used by the Formula One Teams Association – and currently had 119 members. This meant that some information of FOTA’s activities was getting out to non members who were cross referenced to the blog.

The Secretary of SALVA conveyed the thanks of the Board of SALVA for the efforts of FOTA at fundraising and informed the meeting that SALVA had improved profits by 20,000 euros in the past year (this included the 11,000 euros from FOTA.

There being no further business the meeting concluded at 7.20

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