Tuesday, January 06, 2009


2008 ended with sad news for FOTA members. One of our longest serving committee members, Jackie Brierley, lost her husband Eric after a long illness. Tomorrow (Wednesday January 7th) there will be a service followed by a lunch at the theatre bar. Many of you will know Jackie for her performances at the theatre, she has regularly manned the FOTA desk on Fridays, organised our lunches and been a stalwart of the various fundraising events we have held. Our sympathies are with Jackie at this difficult time.
On December 29th Ted Schepers, was found at his flat in Fuengirola. Ted was a regular on our FOTA trips and could be seen almost daily with his morning coffee and Daily Telegraph either at the theatre bar or across the way taking the sun. If you can't quite place him he was a Canadian and despite living in Putney for many years never lost that twang that Toronto gave him. One of the nicest people I have met in Fuengirola.
Finally our sympathies also go to Beryl Tidy. Beryl and David had not been long with us but rapidly became willing helpers at our events and with their sunny dispositions cheered us all up no end. Dave had been a willing worker backstage and was a great heaver of ropes and pulleys. Beryl comes back to Fuengirola next week and we are looking forward to seeing her.

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