Sunday, January 18, 2009

Coming events.

The theatre has it's new flyer out and already changes need to be made. But it is great to start with news of an event that is over and much more successful than we had ever thought it would be. Last Thursday we had the first lunch of the year at Casa Rustica in Fish alley. We were a bit despairing last Monday with four booked but when Thursday came we had 50 members and their guests. The restaurant looked after us really well, and it couldn't have been easy having so many extra numbers at this time of the year. They even gave a meal voucher donation to our raffle which raised 100 euros for our funds. We have some difficulty with the venues for the next two lunches so do come along to the desk and find out what is planned. If we can do as well as Casa Rustica you will have a splendid day out.
Talking of days out we have a trip booked to Estepa on February 19th. Famous for asparagus and chocolate, not necessarily together, the end result is only part of the pleasures of the day. This time of the year southern Andalusia can look really attractive particularly as we pass almond groves in blossom.
We will be building on that with a more deliberate approach to finding the most beautiful parts of this region with our trip on March 19th

A past blog told you that we were cutting back on our fundraising events (booksales, bazaars etc) as age and backs caught up with us. So instead we tried a raffle for the Christmas Show and it proved so successful we had another one for the panto. Not quite as good but still a great contribution to FOTA's and ultimately the theatre's funds. Thanks to all who bought tickets. We plan another one during the run of 'The Full Monty'

My notes on the SALVA AGM

SALVA may not mean much to some of you but it is the controlling body of the theatre. It produces most of the plays seen there. Some productions come in from outside groups ( and it's a great way to visit the Costa del Sol) and SALVA will then be the local producer. It holds the lease of the theatre.
FOTA's history goes back along way (another time) but now we support the work of the theatre by fundraising and in what follows it's worth remembering that this year FOTA has given the theatre 19,000 euros partly because of a near emergency over the financial stability of SALVA.

At the meeting we were told that Lynn and Eddie Barnett (all names are on the SALVA Board unless otherwise stated) were sorting out legal problems, especially with regard to employment matters. As the theatre has grown with more and more productions, paid staff have become necessary. This has been the case for some time and now job descriptions and a proper contract setting out their parameters have been prepared.
Lynn and Eddie were also working closely with directors to prepare and monitor budgets for productions much more vigorously. They had examined production costs over the last two years to try to produce guidelines and this was described as a 'work in progress'. This was all necessary because the past year had been the best ever at the box office but had only produced a modest profit - hence FOTA's decision to hand over so much money.

There were no contests for the places on the Board which were due for re-election and the one vacancy was filled by Lynn Halliday, our Vice-president.

When Any Other Business came along it began with Sweelan Ford(non Board) asking if anything special would be done to celebrate 25 years of the theatre. She then volunteered to produce a booklet and calendar (see last post).

The cost control exercise took up some more time with it becoming more apparent that greater clarity in organisation structure and control was a significant need.

Lizz Freeman asked whether there were too many shows being put on since there was a limited pool of performers. No decision was taken.

A question was put about tickets being ordered and not picked up or paid for. A credit card system was not considered a good idea so I hope that no FOTA member does this !

The loop system for the hard of hearing is out of action at the moment and this is because the system seems to be incompatible with the theatre's current sound system. Howard John will try to find a way round this.

The meeting ended with a presentation and thanks to John Mack who is leaving the post of Treasurer after 19 years.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Your Help Needed - No Work Involved

At the AGM of SALVA held last week - of which more anon - SWEELAN FORD put up the idea of producing a small booklet of anecdotes, scenes etc from the history of the theatre to be published to celebrate the theatre's 25th anniversary next year. She is looking forward to compiling it and has asked for contributions by the end of May when she leaves for Singapore. The aim is to have it published for Christmas.
If you have anything you think might be good her e mail address for the project is

Rack those memories

Thursday, January 08, 2009

January Committee meeting

I shall start with some notes for your diary.
Next Thursday, January 15th, we have our first lunch of 2009 and this will be at Casa Rustica in 'Fish Alley'. We've been there before and had a few cast parties there too and never been anything other than pleased.
After that we have a lunch planned for February 5th and again on March 5th. We have got to go back to the drawing board on venues as the restaurants we had thought to use are no longer available.

On February 19th Gina has organised a visit to Estepa (yes I know we said we'd go there before Christmas but we had a very pleasant trip to Rute instead). The main attractions are a visit to an asparagus farm - bit different that- and chocolate is involved somewhere. Not necessarily with the asparagus but I haven't looked at my Jamie Oliver recently so anything is possible.

Then the March trip is called 'Springtime in Andalucia' quite the most beautiful time to see our new homeland. Previous trips on the same sort of theme have involved stops for local produce and tastings to add a real interest to the day.

More details will be available on the desk on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and you can book at the same time. Each trip is 30 euros which includes the breakfast stop and lunch.

Now our main purpose is to raise funds for the theatre and as many of you will know there has been a bit of a crisis this past year. At one time there was some doubt that the theatre would be able to open for 2009 and FOTA has raided our piggy bank and so far 19000 euros has been handed over to SALVA.

Our fundraising has changed emphasis a bit. The events held on the theatre forecourt (book sales, bazaars etc) whilst profitable - the Christmas Bazaar made 340 euros - involves quite a bit of physical work and backs and other bits are protesting so we have moved the main activity to raffles held during busy shows. The raffle during the Christmas show raised 835 euros so thank you to those who bought tickets. The raffle during the panto wasn't quite so successful but we think we will be pleased when the final total is calculated.

Outside fundraising will continue on a limited basis with Helen Young organising another 'Petticoat Lane' for April 18th.

Many people think the theatre makes vast profits but I hope you can see that the contribution made by FOTA members and supporters makes a real difference. The yearly membership is now due (yes I did pay mine last week!) and any encouragement you can give to those who use the theatre and don't want it to go, to join us and join in will be great.

I shall look forward to seeing you on Wednesdays on the forecourt and the desk is open Mondays and Fridays as well.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Happy New Year

That says it all really. Sorry it's a bit late but I've been away and anyway we only had our committee meeting this morning so it isn't just from me to you.


2008 ended with sad news for FOTA members. One of our longest serving committee members, Jackie Brierley, lost her husband Eric after a long illness. Tomorrow (Wednesday January 7th) there will be a service followed by a lunch at the theatre bar. Many of you will know Jackie for her performances at the theatre, she has regularly manned the FOTA desk on Fridays, organised our lunches and been a stalwart of the various fundraising events we have held. Our sympathies are with Jackie at this difficult time.
On December 29th Ted Schepers, was found at his flat in Fuengirola. Ted was a regular on our FOTA trips and could be seen almost daily with his morning coffee and Daily Telegraph either at the theatre bar or across the way taking the sun. If you can't quite place him he was a Canadian and despite living in Putney for many years never lost that twang that Toronto gave him. One of the nicest people I have met in Fuengirola.
Finally our sympathies also go to Beryl Tidy. Beryl and David had not been long with us but rapidly became willing helpers at our events and with their sunny dispositions cheered us all up no end. Dave had been a willing worker backstage and was a great heaver of ropes and pulleys. Beryl comes back to Fuengirola next week and we are looking forward to seeing her.