Friday, November 21, 2008

Activities until Christmas

Let's start with next Thursday when we have our trip to Rute. This is on the borders of Málaga and Jaen provinces so a good scenic ride to get there. Naturally we will stop for coffee and tostado but the serious business starts when we get there. The area is famed for a number of things - olive production, furniture but our target is chocolate and that special drink for Christmas. We shall be visiting an anis museum and distillery. If that wasn't enough last time we visited there was a charming Belen. It can be difficult finding a present for friends or relatives who have everything or can buy it quickly if they want it but I have found that an Andalucian product , be it olive oil, chocolate, Malaga wine or anis is welcomed with delight and often showed off when other, more expensive items languish in a corner. So a lovely triop and some Christmas present dilemmas solved. What could be better.

The main square in Rute


We have had a few already this year. Whether it is because Jackie is a wizard at finding nice places to eat or because it is a pleasant social occasion during the day and therefore no 'getting home' problems, they have been remakably successful. The year always culminates with the Christmas lunch and this year it will be at EL BRUJO which is in El Coto. Don't let that put you off, if you haven't got transport ask at the desk when you book about how to get there. Last year we packed the place out so someone found it easily enough! There will be a cabaret and carols and turkey and mince pie. Who could ask for anything more. The cost is 20 euros and the date December 11th.

DECEMBER 6th is the last date I will ask you to put in your diary. We shall be having a Christmas Bazaar on the forecourt of the theatre. The usual stalls of White Elephant, Tombola, Cakes, Cards, a Good Book Stall and a raffle. There are usually so many helpers anyone is good for a chat and a gossip so come along.

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