The newsletter for the social group associated with the Salon Varietes Theatre in Fuengirola Spain
Sunday, September 25, 2011
News Letter
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
You have all heard of the girls, now meet the CALENDAR BOYS.
The Salon Varietés Theatre fundraising calendar featuring artistic shots of the BOYS is now available at FOTA desk.
A special barbecue is to be held on Saturday 17th September at 7.30 to launch and promote this interesting calendar and the production of LADIES NIGHT in NOVEMBER.
THE CALENDAR BOYS will be in attendance as waiters and the line up for the evening includes a MASTER OF CEREMONIES and 2 NAKED CHEFS (with aprons of course).
Do not miss this fun evening out, only 40 places available so phone for further details and reservations to
David Radford 952462213 or Val Williams 952584268
Or call at Salon Varietés Theatre FOTA desk open 11.30 - 1.15 Monday to Saturday and book your tickets for Ladies Night too at the Box Office. Both are occasions you should not miss.
Val Williams
Sunday, August 21, 2011
News Letter from Val Williams
Dear All,
Here we are at the end of the 26th successful season at Salon Varietes and thanks to the support of all of you it is still going strong with lots of exciting things happening in the forthcoming season. The bar will be closed early July until early September when FOTA information desk will be open again every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Some of you may have let your membership lapse so do come along and renew please, we need you, the theatre needs you and hopefully you need FOTA. We have a permanent base here right in the centre of Fuengirola and always pleased to see you call in and have a drink at the bar or to discuss anything with us, it will be a pleasure to meet you. We are having an informal lunch on the 7th July at Casa Rustica, do come along.
September starts with an informal lunch at Casa Rustica, come along at 1 p.m.on Thursday the 1st of September, and these lunches are held every first Thursday of the month at Casa Rustica. On the 9th September the first production starts at the theatre – The Gala Opening.
Our monthly coach excursions start on Thursday 27th October with a visit to the Crocodile Park with over 300 crocodiles, the opportunity to hold a live crocodile and a live demonstration, also a visit to Cueva del Tesoro in Rincon la Victoria, often overlooked because of the more famous Nerja caves, but is one of the only 3 submarine caves or origin known in the world, so well worth a visit. Our journey starts with coffee and toast and finishes with a late lunch at a venta. Dont miss this trip, more details at FOTA information desk.
Our 2nd trip in the Autumn takes us to RUTE with visits to a distillery, chocolate factory and sausage producers, breakfast and lunch, a very interesting trip. Gina Foster has been organising excellent trips for many years and works hard for the theatre as Salva President, so now she is having help from Val Williams and both will work together to make your social excursions enjoyable.Nov 24th
This year we have revived the once very popular special night out
THE AUTUMN BALL AT VALPARAISO on the 16th NOVEMBER, Don’t miss this wonderful night out, a chance to put on your ‘glad rags’. See you there, you’ll have a great night. Make up a table and bring your friends.
And then we come to December and the FOTA CHRISTMAS LUNCH AT EL BRUJO on the 15th December. If you have anything suitable for the tombola please bring it along beforehand, a jar of marmalade, a bottle of wine, packet of biscuits, a nice ornament, it all helps towards theatre funds.
29th December there is an informal visit to Picasso Museum, the wine museum and to see the lights in Malaga, well worth seeing and have tapas in Calle Larios. We go by train, but no need to book for this. Pay on the day.
David Radford our President makes wonderful cards for all occasions, get well, birthday, sympathy, and boxed Christmas cards with all proceeds going to the theatre so do buy your cards from David.
If you have any ideas for trips, functions, holidays, fund raising events or anything that could be of interest to the association please do let us know, we would like your ideas. The Salon Varietes has survived so well for 26 years thanks to all the hard work of the voluntary helpers and particularly to the fund raising in various forms undertaken by the Friends of the Theatre Association where the aim is to keep live theatre alive in Fuengirola and also to give you our members a good varied and interesting social life where you meet lots of friends and need never feel alone here on the costa. Please phone with ideas or just to say Hello – Val Williams on 952584268.
Friday, August 19, 2011
FOTA Events
- September 1st - Lunch at Casa Rustica (1pm for 1.30pm). A casual meeting, so no need to book for this one.
- September 14th - Quiz Night at the Salon (starts prompt at 8.30pm).
- September 23rd - Coach trip to Cueva del Tesora & Crocodile Park.
- October 6th - Lunch at Casa Rustica.
- November 3rd - Lunch at Casa Rustica.
- November 24th - Coach trip to Ruta.
- December 1st - Lunch at Casa Rustica.
- December 15th - Christmas Lunch at El Brujo.
- December 29th - Train trip to Malaga. Visit the Wine Museum, the Picasso Museum and the city night lights. Returning on the 10pm train. Pay as you go and no need to book. A casual get together during the Christmas break.
- January 5th - Lunch at Casa Rustica.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
My last Post
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Letter to the Editor of The News
Saturday, February 26, 2011
The trip of the Vine

The local countryside probably doesn't have this style of agriculture anymore on its gentle clay slopes. The countryside has not always been peaceful and it was here that Julius Caesar defeated the sons and supporters of his great rival Pompey. Moors and Christians have fought here too but today the soil has more peaceful uses and it is to the next one that we shall spend the afternoon.
la Rambla is a small town famous for its ceramics. The products vary from the artistic to the useful and the plan is to visit a workshop.
If that doesn't appeal the town is very pretty and a quiet afternoon tea in the square would be as good a way as any to while away the time before the coach takes you back to Fuengirola.
As ever the coach will leave from outside Solbank at 9.00 and return about 7. The price will be notified after our Committee meeting on Tuesday but is likely to be 32 - 35 euros. The visit to the Bodega making it a little more than our last trip.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
The Route of the Oranges - February 17th
We glimpsed the castle of Teba on our trip to Arcos and heard something of the famous connection with Scotland. it was here that Sir James Douglas, known as Black Douglas, fought alongside Alfonso XI of Castille on August 25th 1330. He was carrying the heart of Robert the Bruce to the Holy Land in a casket and saw an opportunity to Crusade nearer to home. Unfortunately for him the Moors won this battle and killed Black Douglas. The heart now rests in Montrose Abbey.
Scottish connections do not end there as a year later the Earl Of Selkirk tried again to oust the Moors and the souvenir of his visit is a one ton slab of Dumfriesshire marble now in the Plaza de Espana. It was not until 1339 that Alfonso reclaimed the town from the Moors.
Today you see an impressive 18th century parish church which contains a 16th century cross given by Ferdinand and Isabella (the conquerors of Granada) and wonderful views out over the River Guadalreba to the dam and lakes below.
Our trip will then move on to Olvera. the start of the Publos Blancos route.
The main monuments are the Church and the Arab Castle which was apopular vantage point on our last visit to this lovely town.
Thursday February 17th 2011 at a cost of 30 € which will include our usual stop for coffee and tostado and lunch