The whole FOTA Board would like to wish all our members and their families a very Happy Christmas and a great 2010.
Since my last post we have had our Christmas raffle with most of the tickets being sold during the run of 'The Wizard of Oz'. If you haven't seen the show then the reports I have had suggest that you are missing something just a little bit special. Sufficient people saw the show and bought the raffle tickets for the total to be a little over 800 euros.
Then we had our Christmas Lunch and that was really enjoyable. 40 members turned up and contributed to a raffle take of 70 euros. Unfortunately the restaurant charged us an extra 50 cents ahead for the lunch so that made a bit of a dent in the funds but we were still ahead and what is always more important with lunches those attending had a good time.
So now the Christmas cards have been sent, those of you in England are going to get White Christmas, those in Malaga a wet one and I shall hopefully have some sunshine in the Canaries but wherever you are enjoy it and we shall look forward to seeing you at the FOTA desk in the New Year when our first event will be a lunch with hopefully a little surprise thrown in.
The newsletter for the social group associated with the Salon Varietes Theatre in Fuengirola Spain
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Monday, December 07, 2009
The Bazaar
Not a lot to say about this except thanks to all who helped and I promise not to take a copyright fee if you want to copy any of the photos. The final tally of the income for our funds will be posted as soon as I can but we are looking at a figure around 300 euros.
Norma and the two Helens prepare for the rush

Margaret Whitters always does a splendid
Norma and the two Helens prepare for the rush
Where would be be without Arthur and some woman I vaguely recognise
Margaret Whitters always does a splendid
cake stall
Our vice President and her bottles
December Board Meeting
The December Board meeting was held last Tuesday so things have moved along somewhat since then. We began with a major disappointment as the booklet with stories from the history of the theatre was not in a state where we could expect anyone to buy it. That meant that the bit of a do we had planned for the lunchtime following the meeting had to be called off. That was the least of it though because we had hoped that we could sell the booklet in the run up to Christmas as a stocking filler and this appeared to be unlikely to happen. Since then we have found a new printer and the proofs look to be very promising, certainly of a much higher standard than we had seen from the original printer and we are on course to have it by the middle of next week.
We then turned our attention to the more mundane work we normally get up to - what was that Chinese proverb - please don't let me live in exciting times - well the booklet has proved more exciting than we wanted!
Lunches are proving more popular this year and the one at Casa Dori went well with an excellent turnout. The raffle raised 52 euros. Our Christmas Lunch is at El Brujo where we have been so well treated in the past. We had fixed a provisional price of 20 euros for this lunch but the cost of the food has gone up - they buy fresh not frozen turkeys - and it will be 22 euros. Good value and a 'Cabaret Piece' is promised by our beloved President and his predecessor as a sweet delight (??) at the end of the proceedings. Cars parked on yellow lines are not an acceptable excuse for a quick getaway.
Our trips are still organised by Gina and the one to Granada booked so well we filled the coach. Even with a good stop for coffee and tostado and a more than acceptable lunch we turned a profit of 413.80 euros. Our future trips are:
February 18th - Almond Blossom and Villages
March 18th - Grazalema
April 15th - Guadix
Our Treasurer reported on our finances and it has been a good month. We handed over a further 1000 euros to the theatre with the expectation that at least another 2000 will be handed over next month.
Don't forget that one of our best fundraisers is the raffle that goes with some shows. Already tickets will have been sold during the run of 'A Christmas Stocking' (thanks guys, I enjoyed my evening even though I had a very drunk and noisy woman sitting behind me. Front of House staff did a good job for us all in getting her out before the first half was over so well done them too).
So now my next job is to report on the Bazaar. By a strange quirk of blogging you will probably have read that before you get here. It makes life quite confusing.
We then turned our attention to the more mundane work we normally get up to - what was that Chinese proverb - please don't let me live in exciting times - well the booklet has proved more exciting than we wanted!
Lunches are proving more popular this year and the one at Casa Dori went well with an excellent turnout. The raffle raised 52 euros. Our Christmas Lunch is at El Brujo where we have been so well treated in the past. We had fixed a provisional price of 20 euros for this lunch but the cost of the food has gone up - they buy fresh not frozen turkeys - and it will be 22 euros. Good value and a 'Cabaret Piece' is promised by our beloved President and his predecessor as a sweet delight (??) at the end of the proceedings. Cars parked on yellow lines are not an acceptable excuse for a quick getaway.
Our trips are still organised by Gina and the one to Granada booked so well we filled the coach. Even with a good stop for coffee and tostado and a more than acceptable lunch we turned a profit of 413.80 euros. Our future trips are:
February 18th - Almond Blossom and Villages
March 18th - Grazalema
April 15th - Guadix
Our Treasurer reported on our finances and it has been a good month. We handed over a further 1000 euros to the theatre with the expectation that at least another 2000 will be handed over next month.
Don't forget that one of our best fundraisers is the raffle that goes with some shows. Already tickets will have been sold during the run of 'A Christmas Stocking' (thanks guys, I enjoyed my evening even though I had a very drunk and noisy woman sitting behind me. Front of House staff did a good job for us all in getting her out before the first half was over so well done them too).
So now my next job is to report on the Bazaar. By a strange quirk of blogging you will probably have read that before you get here. It makes life quite confusing.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Christmas Bazaar
This Saturday December 5th we are holding our Christmas Bazaar on the forecourt of the theatre. (inside the theatre if it is raining)
We shall have all the usual Christmassy stalls. Margaret Whitters has her cakes, Pauline will be running a bottle stall( modesty almost stops me from mentioning the 15 jars of homemade marmalade in my kitchen using Seville Oranges from Pueblo Lucia in the heart of Fuengirola) and there will be a White Elephant stall, David's cards and Norma will be looking after a book stall. you can buy tickets for the current Christmas raffle too.
It occurred to me that some readers may not know who is on the Board of FOTA - sounds grand until you realise it means lugging the trestle tables and clearing up the mess! so this is a list of the Committee and what they do:
President: David Radford
Vice President: Pauline Naylor
Treasurer: Arthur Hill
Secretary: Graham Cherry
The members are:
Helen Young who handles publicity
Helen Tomlinson who organises our front desk rota
Norma Wilson
Pat Suart.
Noticeably not here is the name Gina Foster. SALVA have decreed that nobody can sit on our Board and their Board(sadly the reason we lost Lynn Halliday when she joined the SALVA Board) so Gina comes to our meetings as the liason between the two. That doesn't mean she sits quietly in the corner or that she has stopped organising our coach trips which are an important fundraiser.
anyway now you know come and say hello on Saturday and most of us are manning the desk on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays.
We shall have all the usual Christmassy stalls. Margaret Whitters has her cakes, Pauline will be running a bottle stall( modesty almost stops me from mentioning the 15 jars of homemade marmalade in my kitchen using Seville Oranges from Pueblo Lucia in the heart of Fuengirola) and there will be a White Elephant stall, David's cards and Norma will be looking after a book stall. you can buy tickets for the current Christmas raffle too.
It occurred to me that some readers may not know who is on the Board of FOTA - sounds grand until you realise it means lugging the trestle tables and clearing up the mess! so this is a list of the Committee and what they do:
President: David Radford
Vice President: Pauline Naylor
Treasurer: Arthur Hill
Secretary: Graham Cherry
The members are:
Helen Young who handles publicity
Helen Tomlinson who organises our front desk rota
Norma Wilson
Pat Suart.
Noticeably not here is the name Gina Foster. SALVA have decreed that nobody can sit on our Board and their Board(sadly the reason we lost Lynn Halliday when she joined the SALVA Board) so Gina comes to our meetings as the liason between the two. That doesn't mean she sits quietly in the corner or that she has stopped organising our coach trips which are an important fundraiser.
anyway now you know come and say hello on Saturday and most of us are manning the desk on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays.
The Book
Well, I took my camera in to take pictures of all the beautiful people who belong to the Salon at the launch of the book but to no avail. Sorry beautiful people if you turned up but the print standard of the book was far below the level we had been promised by the printer and the whole batch of booklets were thrown back at him. A new printer is being organised and we now think that the booklet will be available before Christmas so keep a corner of the stocking free whenever you fill one up. I'll keep you posted ( as long as I am kept up to date) and we hope it will be just a little hiccup.
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