Thursday, May 08, 2008

This week's committee meeting

Let's start with the bad news. Pressure of work has meant that Sian can't run the Fashion Show for us. She has been really busy these past few weeks getting the costumes together first for the musical evening and then for the Railway Children. Anna has set this in 1940ish so there has been a great deal to do adapting and making costumes for the period and she is working hard against the deadline of tonight's final dress rehearsal. Then she has been cast in a leading part in 'Nunsense' with lots of rehearsal requirements so something had to go and, not surprisingly, it was the Fashion Show. The committee didn't express even a hint of criticism for the decision so we hope you will be just as understanding. That doesn't mean we have given up on the idea and we hope that we will be able to do something in October. If you were planning to inspect your wardrobe or thinking of helping out then go right ahead!

While we are on the subject of the Railway Children (well sort of) don't forget it opens tomorrow night for a three night run. It's a lovely show and while you will laugh during it, I am pretty sure you will come out with a cheery grin at the end. I admit to being just a bit prejudiced!

Hot Springs. The last blog covered this trip and there are still places on the coach.


Next Wednesday May 14th is the AGM. Not normally something members get too excited about but there a couple of reasons to come. First we are going to have a demonstration (about 20 minutes) of the sound capabilities of the systems FOTA have raised funds for. If you ever wanted to be in an airport when a helicopter landed on your head........

Then we have, hopefully, someone from SALVA coming to tell us about the theatre's current position. We have had a request for a cash grant from our funds. Our policy has always been to consider requests and buy items which enhance theatre going pleasures and not simply be a 'hand over cash' organisation. We must consider whether this should change.

Another decision we need to take is to elect a President. Leadership is an important matter and for many years it has been in Gina's capable hands. With her move to President of SALVA David Radford took over as President. He will be standing now for the next two years. At the moment he is unopposed but nominations have not closed.

Finally we have to consider next season - not necessarily at the AGM though that would be a good place to do so - and any ideas are welcome. We had an interesting one recently when the Art exhibition at Gaucin - modelled on the very successful idea of the Brighton Festival of opening artists' homes as exhibition spaces - was drawn to our attention. Too late for this year but could be an excellent idea for next. It all came as a surprise to the committee and we wonder whether there more good ideas out there that you assume we know about.

The next report will be after the AGM so if I don't see you at 'The Railway Children' I shall hope to see you there.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

The Hot Springs.

Our last trip of this season is set for Thursday May 22nd when we set off for the Hot Springs and the beautiful town of Alhama de Granada.
Here water rich in sulphates and magnesium has bubbled out of the ground to the delight of mankind since pre historic times at a rate of 80 litres a second and a temperature of 47C. The Romans loved the place but the glory days were from the 12th century when the Moors built their baths - still there - and the town became the favourite of the rulers of Granada. Today the baths are still a relaxing and popular way to relieve stress and aches and pains.
The stimulating effect of the waters by the river bank has convinced the locals that swimming in the river, where it has cut a gorge and the hot water from the spring joins the cooler waters from the mountains, is a local remedy especially good for the less pleasant after effects of spending too much time in the nightclubs of the city.

But it isn't just the baths to see. One recent comment on a tavel site said of Alhama:
A magnificent Gorge that, in my opinion, rivals Ronda but without the tourists.

As usual our trip includes a break for breakfast and a lunch.

Book at the FOTA desk at the theatre Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings.

Fashion Show Saturday May 17th sees our fashion show on the theatre forecourt. We have been given donations already but would be delighted with more. It is being organised for us by Sian Hopkins and Liz Pollard so will be really worth going to.

Finally don't forget our AGM which is on Wednesday May 14th at 7.00.